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3 Growth Hacks for Recent Grads from Rackspace Leadership Trainer

Posted by Brad Voeller on August 18, 2015

You just earned your degree and you’re at the crossroads of what to do with life. Do you take the first job you’re offered? Do you even know what types of jobs you want to apply for? The possibilities and opportunities are endless and it’s up to you to take action to kick start your career.

Rick Lozano rackspace

A starting point is reading up on local industry leaders and listening to their advice.

Meet Rick Lozano based in San Antonio, TX. He’s a learning and development professional with 13 years of experience in training and empowering professional growth. Currently Rick serves as a Global Business and Leadership Trainer at Rackspace - one of the coolest places to work in San Antonio. Rick gives keynote speeches and workshops on passion, growth and creativity so he’s got a piece of advice or two for recent grads.

I recently caught up with Rick and he gave me these 3 growth hacks for any graduate trying to figure out what’s next:

1. Start with you

Find the thing you are naturally good at and happen to be passionate about – do more of that! Whatever 'that' is for you, you will get the best results and satisfaction in a position that feeds your soul and plays to your strengths.

Do you get a thrill out of strategic planning, creative endeavors, or speaking in front of people? Think outside the cubicle and find a role that allows you to do that! (Tweet this)

2. Make growth a priority

Ask pointed questions about development opportunities - and don’t confuse the opportunity to get promoted with growth, they aren’t necessarily the same thing. Identify growth opportunities in the areas where you are already great - it may sound counterintuitive, but you will shine brighter when you focus on your strengths!

Identify growth opportunities in the areas where you are already great - focus on your strengths (Tweet this

3. Know your “why”. Communicate it.

Is it about the people? Is it about changing the world? Is it about creativity? Autonomy? A combination of it all?

Whatever motivates you, find an organization that aligns with your values and aspirations and don’t waste a second of your time somewhere you can’t find that match. (Unless they offer a ridiculous amount of money, in which case do it for a VERY short time and then run! I won’t judge!)

Adapt, change, smile, and always move forward! (Tweet this)

Take a moment and reflect on your answers to these three questions. Clarify your thinking and solidify your commitment by writing it down. If you post it in a prominent place (I use a giant whiteboard right in front of my desk) and share these insights with a friend, you’ll constantly be reminded of what you’re really after and dramatically boost your chances of success.

Focus on growth in what you love. Think you might love digital marketing? Do you want to learn more about marketing job opportunities in San Antonio? Check out the free ebook “Breaking Into Digital Marketing” or test your digital marketing skills with a free talent assessment.

Breaking Into Digital Marketing Ebook

Topics: For Recent Grads
