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Community Learning: Why Being Connected Can Help You Achieve More

Written by Robyn Savidge | May 16, 2017

“I know everything,” said no PCC expert, ever. The world of PPC and paid search is constantly evolving, and that means it’s crucial for marketing professionals to adopt a mindset based on continuous learning. What better way to do this than as a community of growth-oriented professionals working towards similar goals?

The PPC world is constantly changing. As a paid search professional, being connected to a community of learning is essential to share resources on new trends. Being surrounded with like-minded professionals will motivate you to grow and excel in areas you may not otherwise. In addition to staying aware of updates, surrounding yourself with other professionals–whether tenured or entry-level—will help build your leadership skills and trust and respect in the community. Alongside these benefits, networking can help you reach professional goals down the road and gain valuable insight through mentorship.

Why is it important to stay connected to a community of learning as a paid search professional?

Constantly changing technology

Since paid search and Google AdWords is constantly evolving, it’s essential for professionals to connect with one another to share news, important updates, and resources on recent trends. A learning community is a place to do just this. Joining a community of professionals gives young marketers access to an abundance of educational resources such as newsletters, seminars, industry research, and events where thought-leaders share valuable insight.

“Being a member of a learning community can further your career and help keep you ahead of competitors” (Tweet this).

Matt Umbro, seasoned PPC professional, says the way to get ahead of other paid search professionals is to have a strong passion that’s easy to see. Read all you can, learn what you can, and apply it in practice once you’re able to.

It’s easier to learn with the right people to motivate you

PPC and paid search is hard to learn by yourself! Being part of a community of learning allows you to ask questions to experts and gain fresh, new perspectives through younger, like-minded professionals who keep you motivated to learn. One of the four stages of learning PPC is gaining the ability to collaborate effectively.

Want to be part of a team of young PPC and paid search professionals dedicated to accelerating their career through community learning? Join our Facebook group for PPC and SEM Professionals!

Build your leadership skills

Being connected with a learning group gives you the chance to develop your leadership skills and become a trusted and respected member in the PPC space. Erin Sagin, Adwords Product Lead at Google, says you need to build a name for yourself: "One of the ways you do that is by being actively involved in the paid search community, sharing your successes, sharing your failures, and teaching people what you’ve learned”. Speaking at industry events and answering questions on forums such as #PPCChat will build skills you need to achieve professional goals.

Reese Garcia, Senior PPC Account Manager at Klient Boost says “passion, being a habitual learner, and having the courage to take action are important for excelling in paid search”.


Building relationships with peers and sharing advice is invaluable to further your paid search knowledge and confidence. Whether it’s a simple LinkedIn connection, or attending a large event, networking is essential and can help you reach professional goals. Networking can lead to mentorship which could turn into vital advice and a new opportunity!

Ultimately, being part of a learning community as a paid search professional is key for career acceleration. Keeping up with trends, surrounding yourself with the right people, building leadership skills, and networking will ensure you are on the right path to success. Learning doesn’t end after college. It’s a life-long journey, and there’s always the opportunity to learn something new.

Want to learn about how you can ace the PPC interview? Join our live webinar on Wednesday, May 31st!