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23 Best MOOCs for Elevating Your Digital Marketing Skills

Posted by Sarah Davis on September 29, 2015

digital marketing skillsAs technology continues to evolve, marketers must evolve with it. But how? By becoming a hybrid. Hybrids have an understanding of all fundamental marketing principles plus a specialization in one or two areas. Massive online open courses (MOOCs) are a great way to bump your digital marketing skills to the next level and work toward becoming an in-demand hybrid marketer. 

Numerous sites offer free and paid courses that you can complete on your own time. Whether it’s learning the basics of coding or digging deeper into email marketing, there’s a MOOC out there to fit your skill development goals.

We’ve compiled a list of the best MOOCs for developing essential marketing skills: Data Analysis, Content Marketing, Social Media, Email Marketing, Mobile, and Coding.

Data Analysis

Marketers need to not only collect data, but analyze what the data means for their strategy. They need to convert raw data into increased ROI. Google Analytics should be at the top of your digital marketing skills list to prove you know the industry standard practices.

1. Google Analytics Individual Qualification (Google) free

2. Data Analysis: Take it to the MAX (edX) free

3. Growth Hacking 101: Traffic Measurement and Google Analytics (Udemy) $

Content Marketing

The foundation of all marketing is compelling, relevant content. Quality content creation feeds into other essential elements of the digital marketing mix making it especially important to craft, edit, and publish killer copy.

4. Hubspot Inbound Certification (Hubspot) free

5. Content Marketing for B2B Enterprises (Udemy) free

6. Duct Tape Marketing (Creative Live) $

7. Growth Hacking Masterclass: Become a Digital Marketing Ninja (Udemy) $

8. Content is King: How to Write Killer Content for the Web (Udemy) $

Social Media

All social media platforms involve different tactics and reach different audiences. Your job as a digital marketer is to optimize each social network so you engage the right audience with the right message while maintaining your brand voice.

9. Social Media Quickstarter (Constant Contact) free

10. Search and Social Media Marketing for International Business (Salford Business School) free

11. Certificate of Social Media Marketing - The Complete Course (Udemy) $

12. Social Media Marketing Mastery: Growing an Engaged Audience (Udemy) $

Email Marketing

Email marketing continues to prove an essential communication tool for marketers. Knowing how to build an email list, write a perfectly concise and informative email, and time the delivery for optimal open and click-through rates will improve your overall marketing efforts.

13. Emailing Marketing to Build an Audience and Make Money (Cloud Blueprint) free

14. Effective E-mail and Newsletter Marketing (Creative Live) $

15. Email Marketing Without Asking for an Email (Udemy) $


All data shows that people are more and more relying on mobile for reading content. What does this mean for digital marketers? They need the skills to optimize their website and other content offers for the mobile user. It’s time we designed for mobile first.

16. Mobile Web Development (Udacity) free

17. User Experience Design Fundamentals (Udemy) $


The best thing you can be as digital marketer? A hybrid. Knowing the basics of coding and languages like HTML and Javascript will set you apart as well-rounded in addition to other skills such as social media and data analysis.

18. User Experience for the Web (Open 2 Study) free

19. How to Make a Website - HTML and CSS (Treehouse) $

20. Coding for Entrepreneurs (Udemy) $

21. JavaScript Basics (Treehouse) $

22. Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree (Udacity) $

23. CSS Cross-Country (Code School) $

Indispensable marketers are continuous learners. Does this describe you? Learn more about the skills today’s digital marketers need in the free ebook Breaking Into Digital Marketing.

Breaking Into Digital Marketing Ebook


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