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3 Essential Habits for Improving Your Writing as a Marketer

Posted by Sarah Davis on January 19, 2016

digital marketing writingAs an aspiring digital marketer, you have a good handle of online marketing concepts. But how are your writing skills? The online world relies heavily on the written word, and honing your writing skills can open up new possibilities for your career. Cultivate these 3 essential habits to strengthen your writing skills and further your digital marketing career.


1. Write Consistently

What's the key to becoming a better writer? It's devastatingly simple: just write. Of course, there's more to it than that, but a regular writing practice will help you find your writing flow, break through writer's block, and implement changes. "Start writing, no matter what. The water doesn't flow until the faucet is turned on," according to Louis L'Amour. Ask yourself questions to get in the habit of writing to make a difference. Improved writing comes from regular practice: daily is best. Use this tool for a daily reminder.

2. Ask for Feedback

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." -Benjamin Franklin

Creating the writing is only one part of the game. As you write, you need feedback to improve your skills. Ask a mentor, such as a teacher or colleague, to look at your work. The job of the mentor is to give you specific, targeted feedback that produces better writing. You may discover you have a certain weakness or that you need to focus on your call to action language.

A great way to get feedback is through online courses:

  • Copywriting 101 (free): Looking for a free opportunity to learn more about copywriting? Create killer copy with this course.
  • Intentional Blogging (free): You're focused on inbound marketing techniques such as blogging, and you want to know how to build a stronger brand presence through your blogs. Become a better blogger with this 12 day course.
  • Tribe Writers ($): Good writing is one thing. Good marketing is another. Find your writing tribe and join a community of dedicated writers eager to provide feedback.
  • Marketing Writing Bootcamp ($): Need to get better at writing marketing materials in a hurray? Take a crash course in marketing writing. 

3. Publish Your Writingdigital marketing careers

Practice your writing in public. "Everything is practice. Every word you write and action you take is a chance to get better," explains Jeff Goins, writer and best selling author. After you've received feedback on your work, it's time to go live. Ship your work.

Publishing your writing on a blog, newsletter, Facebook, or LinkedIn post gives you the opportunity to see how it resonates with a real audience. But more importantly, shipping your work is about adding value to others. It's about changing the world, the culture, or at least your community. Yes, it's scary. And yes, there will be critics. But don't let the fear of shipping keep you from speaking up and sharing your content. 

Improving your writing isn't complicated, but it does require persistence and commitment. Write often, request feedback, and practice in public. Repeat. You've got this. Start writing today.

Want to expand your other marketing skills to stand out to potential employers? Download the free ebook Nailing the Job Hunt today!

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