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Aurora Geis

Aurora loves to connect the dots. She is a wife, mother, and community volunteer. Her passion is to unleash the unspoken talents in a person, organization or process to come to life through spoken words and actions. She loves to learn, build strategies, and unleash potential in people and organizations as well as guiding businesses and industries to succeed by innovating and adopting new business models. Aurora is an expert in improving business strategies and aligning long-term visions and missions of organizations. Her lengthy career includes several high marketing positions and leading a $2.5 billion affordable housing and community development plan. She excels in directing complex strategies and creating and maintaining key relationships in dynamic environments. She values authentic dialogue with all stakeholders – from research to implementation – along side a strong work ethic. Aurora is an experienced inbound marketer who leverages her diverse organizational experiences to support emerging marketing leaders as they embrace the skills and mindsets needed to to launch rewarding careers.
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Recent Posts

How to Actively Manage Up Your Career

Posted by Aurora Geis on October 31, 2019

Do you have a plan to build your professional career? Do you even know where to begin? Or what goes into developing a career with relevant skills? And where do you start? An important skill in managing your career is communication!  Communicate how your work is adding value to your organization, your boss and stakeholders. The timing in communicating your work/deliverables includes frequent updates as you hit (or miss) milestones in your work and when you have completed the work.  A couple of tips to remember as you communicate your progress: 

  1. Notice how you are building your knowledge, skills, experience during a project/task. These tasks are building blocks to your “technical” skills.
  2. Provide frequent updates to encourage feedback from your boss and stakeholders on your progress. Creating awareness on where you are in the work, allows you to pivot and remain in sync on the latest priorities that could present an opportunity to build your skills.
  3. Be aware of how you are leveraging your strengths. For example, if your strength is to be a bridge builder, share how you were able to obtain feedback from the team and or your customers to forge and or strengthen relationships toward the completion of the work/task. 
  4. Ultimately, the goal is to share how your skills and strengths are being multiplied or leveraged, to continuously improve and grow the organization, as you serve your boss and internal and external customers. 

Keep in mind that the core message in completing the work is not on "technical" skill alone, you need to include "interpersonal" or "emotional intelligence" skills.  Combining your technical and interpersonal skills build defining moments in building the leader that is within you - these skills eventually becomes your brand. The benefit of communicating these messages over time will help you build a pathway to grow your career.

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Topics: For Recent Grads

6 Reasons You Should Invest In Career Coaching as a Marketer

Posted by Aurora Geis on December 13, 2016

This post is written by Aurora Geis, head career coach at DCI. She works with 13 apprentices to provide guidance in their professional and personal lives.

Career coaching - is it right for you as a young professional? Yes. Coaching brings clarity, focus and long-term perspective to an individual in any stage of their career.

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Topics: Training

DCI Career Coaching: An Overview

Posted by Aurora Geis on July 19, 2016

This post is written by Aurora Geis, head career coach, to outline how DCI coaching works to integrate apprentices into their new jobs.

With the DCI apprenticeship program, career coaching is one of the key aspects to ensure long term success. Marketers who invest their time and resources in career coaching services are going to experience six key advantages to help them apply their skills and succeed in an ever-changing market:

  • Gain long-term perspective
  • Achieve goals
  • Enhance performance
  • Receive honest feedback
  • Increase confidence
  • Discover the root of problems
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Topics: Training
