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Turn Work Experience Into Portfolio Pieces: Examples From Marketers

Posted by Sarah Davis on January 10, 2017

Marketers working on a project togetherSo, we all know the importance of having a digital portfolio to highlight your work samples. The next step is putting together the pieces into one cohesive body of work. But what does a portfolio piece really look like for digital marketing?

Say you built a social media campaign from scratch, redesigned an element of a website or started a blog for an organization. Instead of just showing some screenshots of the finished product, create a narrative around the process of executing the tasks from start to finish. This will wow an employer and help you nail a dream job.

To get you started, we’ve put together examples of portfolio pieces from our current apprentices and digital marketers. Take a look through each project to get you thinking on how you’ll turn a project into a compelling and concrete demonstration of a skill.

Click the images below to view the projects.

**During our 12 month program, each apprentice completes at least one portfolio project per month demonstrating a new skill or highlighting the work they’ve done at their job.**

Landing Page Optimization and Keyword Research3.png

Skill used: Google AdWords, Google Analytics, landing page design

Why: Christine operates the AdWords and SEO for this client and she came up with the idea to redesign the landing pages and forms to increase conversions once people click through to the site from a search ad.

Video Tutorial on Regular Expressions4.png

Skill used: Google Analytics regular expressions, video creation

Why: AJ loves to create videos, especially tutorials on new skills he’s learned which in this case is regular expressions. As a digital analyst, AJ uses Google Analytics extensively in his current position.

Social Media Campaign2.png

Skill used: social media writing, Adobe Photoshop, Excel

Why: Jeff operates the PEZ social media accounts and needed to create creative posts around the holiday season. He demonstrated his use of Excel to organize the social posting calendar.


Blog Mobile Optimization6.png

You caught me! This is in fact my project where I redesigned the DCI  blog (what you’re reading right this moment) to look better on mobile.

Skill used: HubSpot Design Tool, coding and design

Why: The majority of blog subscription emails are opened and read on a mobile device and therefore a blog should be optimized perfectly for mobile reads. I identified a problem where the DCI blog wasn’t mobile friendly so I sought out to solve it.

Personal Website and Blog Strategy1.png

Skills used: branding, blog writing, social media strategy

Why: Amantha wants to establish her brand and practice her writing skills by creating a blog with topics she enjoys. Since she’s a Social Media Coordinator, having a cohesive brand of her own on social further demonstrates her skills.

Blog Writing for the Buyer’s Journey5.png

Skills used: content strategy, blog writing

Why: Joseph sought out freelance work to help improve his writing skills. Since his job focuses entirely on SEO and PPC, he wanted to tackle a project to develop other marketing skills.


Email Drip Campaign7.png

Skills used: marketing automation through HubSpot

Why: Carla’s organization underwent a website redesign and she was tasked with creating a drip campaign to inform customers of this change and solicit feedback on the new site.

Have a better idea now of how to turn experience into a portfolio? These projects were created using a variety of platforms such as Powerpoint, Canva, Adobe Spark, YouTube and more. If you’re still looking for ideas on where to host your portfolio, check out our earlier post on how to create a portfolio in under 20 minutes.

The best way to fill your portfolio? Through hands-on work experience and meaningful projects. All of our apprentices, whose work you just saw above, are building out their portfolios exponentially by completing additional projects outside of work through the apprenticeship.

Want to get on this path to career acceleration? Learn more about the DCI Apprenticeship Program and how you can build a portfolio of 3-5 years work experience in just 12 months. Check out our Job Openings today!

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