Have you mastered the Google Analytics Exam? Google Analytics is a web based program to assist you in organizing, understanding, and analyzing your online data. By conquering the GAIQ (Google Analytics Individual Qualification), you'll show future employers you can create reports for ecommerce businesses, manage website tags, and understand how to best promote apps. Digital Creative Institute has created The Ultimate Google Analytics Exam Guide for Marketers as a tool to help you ace the exam and gain this valuable certification.
The Ultimate Google Analytics Exam Guide for Marketers (sneak peek)
Topics: For Recent Grads
You're nervous. It's your first day or week on the job, and you have some questions. You know that you need to project confidence and a can do attitude to impress your boss and make your colleagues feel confident that you're the right person for the job. When you're in your first marketing position, it's normal to be a little worried, but you need to embrace the fear, ask your questions, and be humble enough to let your new experiences shape you.
Topics: For Recent Grads
He must be Superman - you know the one, the person who's so amazingly productive that you can't even imagine how he fits it all in. Does he sleep? Does he ever socialize? Chances are he does all of these things, but your super productive acquaintance likely plans his leisure time differently than most people. If you'd like to move up in your digital marketing career or achieve a personal goal, here's how you can find the time.
Topics: For Recent Grads
This post was edited on January, 4th 2019
Your personal and digital branding gives potential employers a clear sense of who you are and what you can bring to their company. Your personal brand development is your most important marketing campaign, and you need to craft it strategically and cohesively to make a strong impression. Here's why.
Topics: For Recent Grads
Warm beaches are calling and the parties are there for the asking: what should you do on spring break? A spring break internship can change the path of your career, giving your insight into a company and into the directions that you'd like to take in school. This year, develop hands-on experience and create networks that will last far beyond your spring break.
Guaranteed Employment: Prove Your Worth and Never Be Unemployed
It's been a long road, but you've finally graduated. Now the jobs will come, won't they? If you're a digital marketer, you expect to be able to market yourself, but the fact is that finding a job in a tenuous market can be a lot more difficult than you expect. Job offers don't just appear when you graduate. However, you can reduce the length of your job hunt by proving your worth in the job market. Connect with future employers by creating a portfolio, networking, and giving employers a free trial of your work.
Prove your value and get hired. (Tweet this)
Topics: For Recent Grads