All too often, people feel stuck after their initial digital marketing training. If you're looking for career acceleration, an apprenticeship can help you find clarity and direction. We're excited to kick off the first cohort of DCI apprentices next week and want to give you a preview of the first digital marketing bootcamp.
Just around the corner - the 1st Digital Marketing Bootcamp
Topics: Training
Intentional Christmas: Turning Craziness Into Productivity
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! A time of celebration, gratefulness, and giving. A time of sharing and building relationships. A time of joy and peace.
But let’s get real - this season can easily become the busiest, craziest couple weeks of the year.
Topics: For Recent Grads
Intuit Founder Says Coaching is Essential for Career Growth
Ready, set, go, go, go! Coaches aren't just for the playing field - they're essential in life as well. As you embark on your marketing career, you need a marketing coach to help you find your way and to be a cheerleader as you move into your new role. Working with a coach can jump start your career -- here's how.
Topics: For Recent Grads
More Than Buzzwords: How Our Core Values Fuel Our Passion
Core values often get a bad rap as meaningless buzzwords buried in the company archives. It's easy to ignore something that seems like a pointless formality. But here at DCI, we live and breathe our core values. They're the heartbeat of our work, the fuel for our passion.
How to Create a Killer Digital Portfolio in 20 Minutes or Less
Quick: you've got 20 minutes to create a digital portfolio that will wow a potential client or supervisor. Sometimes you need to apply for a position quickly or impress a new connection in a hurry. You need a venue to showcase your written work or the innovative website designs that you've created. Is it possible to develop such a portfolio on a short timeline? Stay calm, and get ready to create a portfolio that will amaze.
Topics: For Recent Grads
At DCI, we’re spending the entire Thanksgiving week celebrating everyone who’s joined the apprenticeship movement and contributed to the launch of our first cohort of apprentices (beginning in January). We’ve got a lot of people to be thankful for who’ve generously given their support.